Lena Headey films Cersei’s ‘Walk of Shame’ but not really….

So, there are SPOILERS in this article. I do apologize but this is everywhere if you are keeping up with the show.

In recent months, there was some controversy when it came to filming this scene. Apparently Cersei walks from the Sept of Baelor which is technically a church. The city of Dubrovnik originally denied them access to filming this scene inside their church. However, they changed their mind and said she could film the scene through the city and on the steps of the church but she couldn’t step foot naked inside the church. The set coordinators are creating a church set on a sound stage where she will start there and then they will incorporate the other scenes of her walking through the city with that. Basically a mesh of the two scenes.

Apparently this past week, Lena officially finished filming for this scene.

According to dailymail:

Lena was filming the famous ‘walk of shame’ scene which sees the manipulative queen stripped naked and forced to endure the humiliation and wrath of the common people as she navigates her way through the streets of King’s Landing. 


As we can see from this photo, Cersei’s long flowing hair is gone and she is nude while covered in blood and dirt.

However, it is now led to believe that the woman you see above is not Lena Headey but instead a body double.

According to techtimes:

The actress reportedly vetoed any and all nude scenes. Instead, Headey will be filmed from the shoulders up in the scene, with a body double providing the rest. 

Now, I’m not complaining. That is totally fine. I’m just excited to see the scene and what it means for Cersei.

You can further read about the filming of the scene and why the scene is taking place here

You can also view the second article that speaks about the problems that came with trying to film that scene and how Lena requested a body double here (I’m sure this article gives a better description in explaining the difficulties with filming this scene than I did haha).

New photos of King’s Landing sets

New photos have arrived from the set of King’s Landing and they look wonderful!

So, first off, we have this lovely photo of Lena Headey who portrays the lovely Cersei Lannister


Awesome! I love the detail on the dress and the Apple iPhone sitting in her lap…so modern haha. Also, from what I gather, that isn’t a ‘peace’ sign. That is actually how people from her country flip people off….I always thought the middle finger was the universal way but apparently not. Not so awesome now is it? Yes it is!

On to set photos! I won’t include them all because I want you to check them out for yourself but I’ll include some of my favorites 🙂

SNTday822 SNTday85 SNTday84

I thought these were very nice! I like props! Seems like these are for the marketplace in King’s Landing. It appears there will be a lot of marketplace scenes this season. What do you guys think?

Head on over and check out the article and look at the photos I didn’t include. Is anyone else getting excited for season 5 or is it just me?

GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 23)

Day 23: Tyrion, Cersei, Jaime: Marry, fuck, throw off a cliff – what would you do?

Hahaha..interesting. Well…let’s see….I would marry Tyrion because it is probably the safest bet. He’s also awesome and very courteous so it would be great. I would…..sleep with Jaime just because it would be fun to screw with Cersei and take it all away from her lol. And, I would throw Cersei off a cliff, I like her for the most part but she has some serious problems so yeah, this is what I would do. It sounds really odd when you think about it but yeah, I’m not going back now haha

What about you guys? What order would you put them in?

[30 Day Challenge]



New Set Photos reveal Cersei, Tommen, and Loras

In the previous months, we have heard rumors as to where the creators of the show are going to take season 5 in regards to the novels. However, in recent weeks, fans have received an insight into filming through tourist photos.

A couple of days ago, I made a post that referred back to an article featuring new photos of Tommen and Cersei. In this new article, we have some new photos of them as well as a few pictures of Loras. How exciting!

WARNING: There are spoilers in the article! Read at your own risk! 

I don’t want to spoil anything on my blog (I hate spoilers as much as the next person) but lightlybuzzed.com explains:

We will more than likely spend a rather great amount of time in King’s Landing during season 5, and these photos show us just what we can expect.

Well, no complaints there! I love the King’s Landing storylines so I am pumped for next season now!

Here is a link to the article, don’t worry, the photo reel appears before the spoilers and there is a warning letting you know you are about to enter spoiler territory. Enjoy!