GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 20)

So we have officially reached day 20 which means there are only 10 more days left for this challenge!

Day 20: What’s the most interesting thing about GoT?

The most interesting thing about GoT? Hmmmmm….this is a tough one.

Well….Daenerys’ dragons are really cool….especially Drogon…he’s a badass!
I love that everyone deceives EVERYONE without anyone knowing they are being lied to….it’s kind of funny until someone dies…. :/
Joffrey Baratheon is another interesting aspect to the show…..okay…okay….you had to see that coming though 😛
As far as the show goes, the scenery and effects are top notch…absolutely love it!

This is difficult! I don’t think there is just one thing that really interests me the most. I absolutely love everything about it so it’s hard to decide! What about everyone else? What interests YOU?!

Gosh, I’m just such a huge fangirl! Haha

[30 Day Challenge]

GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 19)

Day 19: Invent a character that would fit in GoT

Alright….so, I remember doing this on tumblr a few months ago and I still agree with what I put so I’m going to say it here to and maybe elaborate some more.

This was my tumblr post:

Well, since I have such a love for Joffrey, I guess I would “invent” a female who actually loved him for who he is and what he…stands for? I mean, don’t get me wrong…I think Joffrey/Sansa are so cute together but she doesn’t love him and she’s terrified of him. Margaery, from what I’ve gathered, really doesn’t give a damn about him whatsoever…she wants to be ‘the’ queen. Whatever.

Wouldn’t that be awesome? Probably not…it’s also a LOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGG shot now that he’s dead but it was a nice dream while it lasted. Anywho, to elaborate…I would also want her to be a villain. Just for fun. I like badass women…sorry not sorry?

But, yes, this is what I would do. I think it would be awesome and somewhat….adorbz? maybe? hahaha


[30 Day Challenge]

GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 18)

Day 18: What Stark would you be?

I honestly don’t like the way this question is worded. It sounds odd. I’m assuming it is asking me which Stark I would be and, if that’s the case, I would totally be Sansa. One, because she is my favorite out of the family and two, because she gets a lot of hate and I don’t understand it. I think she is an amazing character and I would love to be her just minus all the injustice she went through… :/


[30 Day Challenge]

GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 17)

Day 17: Link to an interview you think is funny. 

Interviews with the cast of GoT are literally some of the best things in the world but I do have a personal favorite. This interview is with Jack Gleeson who plays are late King Joffrey. This is such a down to Earth interview and I absolutely adore it. Yes, it is a 30 minute video but it is worth it. Trust me! Enjoy!

This video was uploaded to youtube on October 8, 2013 by UCD – University College Dublin

[30 Day Challenge]

GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 16)

Day 16: Make a graphic advertising GoT

Okay, I can’t do this. Like at all. I’ve never been good at photo editing…video editing is more my thing. Sorry :/

This is probably the only day where I won’t really contribute to the challenge but I can give you some news:

I discovered a new 30 Day Challenge while searching the web the other night and that one isn’t as complex as this. In fact, it’s much more straight-forward than the one I am doing now. So, I will be doing that one starting after this one (obviously) but just wanted to let you know. 🙂

[30 Day Challenge] – The One I’m Doing Now

[30 Day Challenge] – The One I Will Do Afterwards

GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 15)

Day 15: Free Day

So, I didn’t get a chance to do this yesterday and I honestly have no idea what to do. -sigh- I don’t know how to make gifs or really good art. I can make videos with my Sony Vegas software but I lack GoT footage so I’m at a loss there.

I guess I’ll do something fun and post two videos that I found hilarious during the last hiatus we went through waiting for season 4.

The first video is an honest trailer for the show that was posted on April 1, 2014 (ironic) and was uploaded by the youtube channel, Screen Junkies. Enjoy!

Alright, so that wasn’t too bad right? Haha

Okay, last video. This one is a literal trailer of an actual season 4 trailer that was uploaded to youtube on January 17, 2014 by the channel Tobuscus. Enjoy!

Okay, no more. I’ll stop there haha. I just wanted to do something fun for day 15 and I hope you enjoyed. Here is a link to the Screen Junkies channel and here is a link to the Tobuscus channel.

[30 Day Challenge]

GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 14)

Day 14: Who do you think Jon Snow‘s parents are?


For the longest time, I honestly thought he was Ned Stark’s son. But, I was naive then and had no idea about really anything on the show. I have recently read theories and things of that nature and I agree with the one of him being Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark’s son. It made sense to me because he never mentioned it to Jon, he never defended himself when Catelyn made him feel worse about it, and when Robert asked him to describe the “whore” he had been with, he wouldn’t. It’s all these little clues that have led me to the conclusion but apparently it has led everyone to this conclusion….. R+L=J right?

[30 Day Challenge]

GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 13)

Day 13: Would you join the Night’s Watch? 

Haha…this is funny. I’m going to go with no. I don’t like the cold….at all. I couldn’t live at the wall for the rest of my life freezing to death and then having the impending thought of a white walker killing me in my sleep. No thanks. But, for those who want to take the black and their vows…sweet….we need people to defend the wall. This coming winter is going to be long and cold so help defend us! Haha. Wow, I’m an idiot.


[30 Day Challenge]

GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 12)

I know…I know…I’m behind…AGAIN! I am really bad at this. But, I’m going to go ahead and do days 12 and 13 and then I should be back on track for 14 tomorrow. So, here we go.

Day 12: If there was a crossover…who would you ship? 

Okay, so for those who don’t know what a crossover is, you basically take a character from one fandom and romance them with someone from another fandom. It’s odd but I’ve seen it. A lot. I’m not personally a big fan of crossovers so, honestly, I can’t really answer this question. I don’t think I could romance Joffrey with anyone outside the GoT universe…he would probably just kill them -_-

I’m sorry I’m not able to give a better answer but, for me, crossovers aren’t that appealing but if it’s your thing….GO FOR IT! Please, I love reading crossover fanfiction just to see how author’s minds work so if you find an interesting one, send it my way, I’ll give it a try 🙂

[30 Day Challenge]

GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 11)

Day 11: Three words that describe GoT. 

When I think of this show, I usually think DON’T GET ATTACHED! However, that really does not describe the show…that more or less explains how I feel about the show…do not get attached to anyone…they all die….seriously…everyone dies.

But, three words that describe GoT? Hmmmm….I guess I would go with AWESOME (obviously), RAGE-INDUCING (since it’s hyphenated, it’s one word!), and EXHAUSTING (trying to keep everything straight and then actually making it through every episode without going crazy….I mean, it really is exhausting)

But, yes, I think those are good words to describe this show. How would you guys describe the show? Same? Different?

[30 Day Challenge]