I know…I know…I’m behind…AGAIN! I am really bad at this. But, I’m going to go ahead and do days 12 and 13 and then I should be back on track for 14 tomorrow. So, here we go.
Day 12: If there was a crossover…who would you ship?
Okay, so for those who don’t know what a crossover is, you basically take a character from one fandom and romance them with someone from another fandom. It’s odd but I’ve seen it. A lot. I’m not personally a big fan of crossovers so, honestly, I can’t really answer this question. I don’t think I could romance Joffrey with anyone outside the GoT universe…he would probably just kill them -_-
I’m sorry I’m not able to give a better answer but, for me, crossovers aren’t that appealing but if it’s your thing….GO FOR IT! Please, I love reading crossover fanfiction just to see how author’s minds work so if you find an interesting one, send it my way, I’ll give it a try 🙂