Natalie Dormer Hit the Brakes for a Certain ‘Seduction’ Scene in S4


We all love a good seduction especially if it’s on Game of Thrones. However, Natalie Dormer (a.k.a. Margaery Tyrell) said she had to hit the brakes a bit for a certain scene she would be doing with Dean-Charles Chapman who portrays the young and naive King Tommen.

We all remember the chaos that was season 4 of Game of Thrones but remember the scene where Margaery visited the young king in the late hours of the night to ‘chat’ and ‘further get to know each other’? You remember! Ser Pounce was there and she left him after giving him a kiss on the forehead….it was real awkward….I know you remember! Well, that was the scene that was apparently ‘toned’ down for the show.

Natalie Dormer expressed:

The scene was altered because I phoned Dan and David and said, ‘I’m not comfortable doing this.’ George R.R. Martin wrote a particular plot line, so on the specifics of Margaery and Tommen getting married, there’s nothing I can do. On the show, we had to find a way to navigate that in a sensitive way. There’s more of it next season too, and we’re trying to handle it with intelligence and integrity. 

As far as the characters go, Tommen is aged to be 13 and I believe Margaery is set at 16 so that’s not entirely too weird when you look at all of the other arranged marriages that have appeared on the show BUT, at the same time, the actor is only 17 years old where Natalie is actually 32 so now we can all see how awkward it may be. Completely understandable!

I won’t revel too many specifics as to what is in store for Margaery and Tommen next season, I’ll let you check out the full article HERE for that. But, what is good is that D&D were very kind to work the scene out to make it less awkward for Dormer. +1 for them as producers! What does everyone else think? Are you glad they changed the scene or were you hoping for a little awkwardness as you watched?