As fans of the show, we know just how controversial this show can get. But the Turkish Army (TSK) seems to have had enough and they have deemed the show ‘unsuitable for young soldiers’ and banning the show is a way to ‘protect’ its students.
Independent explains:
It has reportedly banned certain programs, including most notably Game of Thrones, in order to safeguard young people against ‘sexual exploitation, pornography, exhibitionism, abuse, harassment and all negative behaviors.’
However, this is not the first time Game of Thrones has caused problems in the TSK.
In 2012, the Hurriyet Daily News reported four teachers at the Izmir Maltepe Military High School were discharged from the army after they showed the program to their students as a way of helping them to improve their English.
I don’t know if I would show Game of Thrones to help people better their English but to each their own. It does not necessarily surprise me that the show is banned, everything the TSK has a problem with is understandable. The show is very heavy when it comes to certain subject materials BUT, at the same, time it’s a fantasy medieval series…a lot of the material is how things were done WAY WAY WAY back in the day so you have to keep that in mind. Also, it’s a work of fiction so it’s not real.
Independent also claimed that the show sparked controversy in the UK after season four’s ‘rape’ scene aired. We all remember that. Jaime and Cersei right next to Joffrey’s body. I still can’t get that image out of my head. However, it also seems that season five will have a naked walk of shame which I have reported on so it seems the show is only going to become more intense as it continues.
It really does come down to each their own and I respect the decision that the TSK has made because some cultures in the world react differently to different things. That’s how the world works. What does everyone else think? Do you think the TSK is in the right or do you think they are taking things too far?
You can check out the full article HERE and I hope you enjoyed this tidbit of information.