We all know and love The Hound from the show but the audition tape really is spectacular. Check it out!
Interesting, wasn’t it? Quite intense too if I say so myself. However, it really was spectacular and he portrayed The Hound so well on the show. McCann definitely captured the harsh but delicate nature of The Hound with a speech about the origins of his brutal scaring.
McCann also had this to say about the audition:
I think I really only got the part because my sister fucked up. She was supposed to print out what I was meant to learn for the audition speech, but she sent me the wrong one – – only two or three lines, that was it. I was waiting in this heat wave in London at the casting director’s place, and I see everyone reading this big speech for the Hound about how he got his face burned. I had to delay my meeting for four hours so I could learn it. By that time, I was fucking raging. When I walked into the room, I knew I had to go crazy, so I unleashed all this. It was just a fluke that day – – I was just especially angry. [Laughs] Something worked.
I’d say so! What an interesting story too. I love hearing about auditions and what actors had to go through to get the part. Fun Fact: Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) did the chicken dance at her audition. No idea why, but she did.
Anywho, article was found HERE, check out more if you wish!