I am really late with these posts! I had this huge paper I had to write and a group project to work on and I do apologize if I’ve neglected for too long but I’m going to catch up on the challenge posts today and I also have some awesome GoT based news that I’ll be posting on within the next few days…there is a lot…I probably can’t do it all in one day.
Anywho, here is Day 21: Link to a GoT-based blog
Okay, so I follow sooooo many GoT blogs on tumblr so I’m going to link you to a few that are amazing and you should totally check them out!
fuckyestyrion – this is a blog obviously dedicated to Tyrion Lannister and it is awesome!
fuckyeahsansastark – a blog dedicated to Sansa Stark (equally as awesome)
gifsgot – this blog takes scenes from the show and puts them into gif form which is really awesome for me because I LOVE gifs! haha
wicnet – this blog is actually where I get a lot of my news from because they also have their own official website and they are OFFICIAL!
gameofthronesdaily – this is basically exactly what it says….all GoT, all the time 🙂
fuckyeahgameofthrones – a blog dedicated to this wonderful show!
flawlessirishprince – so this is blog is a bit different. It is dedicated to the actor Jack Gleeson who portrayed our lovely Joffrey Baratheon (explains why I love it so much). But, it talks about Jack directly and everything he has been up to since before Game of Thrones and after if they can manage to find it. Ever since leaving the show, he has seemed to gone into hiding which is how own business but this blog provides a way for you to continue being a fan of Jack and the character he played (which is perfect for me)
But, check out these blogs, they are AMAZING! I promise!