Stand Alone HBO Service to be Offered in 2015

Now I don’t know about any of you guys but I don’t have HBO so I have to livestream or watch the episode when someone puts it online. It’s totally not good quality but I’ll do anything to watch GoT haha

But, the good news is, HBO is planning on offering a stand alone service in 2015.

According to WiCNet, Richard Plepler who is the CEO and chairman of Time Warner Inc. had this to say:

It is time to remove all barriers to those who want HBO. So, in 2015, we will launch a stand-alone, over-the-top, HBO service in the United States. We will work with our current partners. And, we will explore models with new partners. All in, there are 80 million homes that do not have HBO and we will use all means at our disposal to go after them.

My household is one of the 80 million that doesn’t have HBO. I don’t feel so left out now. I am really super excited about this. Now, I am not sure on specifics as to what their entire plan is. I am assuming that people who already have HBO and HBOGo will not lose their service, instead, the company will jus branch out with a stand-alone service to others. That’s at least what it sounds like to me.

But, what do you guys think? Are you excited or do you already have HBO? I think this is a great idea…I’m hoping the price is affordable compared to how much it is to add HBO and whatnot to an already existing cable plan. -Fingers crossed-
