Winterfell Rises

Everyone was distraught when Winterfell was burned to the ground (especially if your a Stark fan) but good news: Winterfell is being rebuilt for season 5. Why you ask? I can honestly say I don’t know but a few pictures have been released of the newly built set (although it still looks as if it has much more re-building to face).

WiC posted:

When we last left Winterfell, the Stark ancestral home was burning to the ground, courtesy of Ramsay Bolton, née Snow. Now that Ramsay has a new name, an inheritance and leave to own the place, it looks like it’s time to rebuild.

I don’t know about you but it’s about time we get to see Winterfell again. I really hope the Starks can reclaim it though. In my opinion, I hope Sansa does. All hail the Queen of the North! Hehe


Here is a link  to the article and there are pictures of the set included! How exciting!

Anywho, enjoy, and, as always, Valar Morghulis!