Dornish Characters have been Spotted!

Even though the Seville in Spain is still shut down for filming, fans touring the area have still managed to get pictures of the current and new cast members filming in that location. I’m not talking about blurry, far away photos either, I’m talking close, high quality photos and they are very nice.

In this article, we see photos of Ellaria Sand who has apparently returned to Dorne after her husbands death as well as photos of Myrcella Baratheon who no one has seen since season 2 and then there is her fiance, Prince Trystane who we also see.

Check them out below:




You can also glance at these photos over at the actual article along with some theories on the characters…especially Myrcella’s dress.

Really hope you enjoyed this! Season 5 is almost upon us and these photos look fantastic! What do you guys think?