GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 27)

Day 27: Top 5 favorite characters

Oooooohhhhhh….love this question! Let’s do it!

1) Joffrey Baratheon

2) Sansa Stark

3) Tyrion Lannister

and then this is where it gets complicated….who else would I consider a “favorite”?

4) Jaime Lannister

5) Ramsay Bolton – He’s legit now! haha.

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking…it started off bad and then ended bad…how nice of me. I’ll explain, my top 3 are a given. I’ve said over and over how much I love these three so it should come as no surprise…as for the last two, here we go. I like the new Jaime, the one that I can understand because, let’s face it, I hated him in the first season after he shoved Bran from the window in Winterfell…I mean, who does that?! But, I feel after he met Brienne, things have changed and I love it…I also love their relationship. I’d ship it 😛 Now, as for Ramsay…this is where I really have to explain…I’m not sympathetic of him, I’m really not. He gets what he deserves but I am fascinated with his story line. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I’m not a fan of Theon…who knows but the actor who plays Ramsay is phenomenal so blame him haha 🙂

I guess I just have a strong like for villains…I don’t know how else to explain it

[30 Day Challenge]