New photos of King’s Landing sets

New photos have arrived from the set of King’s Landing and they look wonderful!

So, first off, we have this lovely photo of Lena Headey who portrays the lovely Cersei Lannister


Awesome! I love the detail on the dress and the Apple iPhone sitting in her lap…so modern haha. Also, from what I gather, that isn’t a ‘peace’ sign. That is actually how people from her country flip people off….I always thought the middle finger was the universal way but apparently not. Not so awesome now is it? Yes it is!

On to set photos! I won’t include them all because I want you to check them out for yourself but I’ll include some of my favorites 🙂

SNTday822 SNTday85 SNTday84

I thought these were very nice! I like props! Seems like these are for the marketplace in King’s Landing. It appears there will be a lot of marketplace scenes this season. What do you guys think?

Head on over and check out the article and look at the photos I didn’t include. Is anyone else getting excited for season 5 or is it just me?