Drastic Changes are Coming for Jaime Lannister



For the longest time, I didn’t care much for Jaime. He had an incestuous relationship with his sister and he was kind of a dick. But, I feel he has gotten more morality since his captivity and I’ve grown to like him. That being said, it seems that his story line will change drastically from that of the books for season 5 and there may be spoilers in this post….you have been warned!

According to screencrush:

Where readers might have expected Jaime to revisit Riverrun in the wake of his father Tywin’s death, a new set report from ‘Los Siete Reinos’ suggests otherwise. According to reports, at least one major scene of the season to come with see Jaime (and Bronn, yay!) traveling to Dorne to visit the oft-forgotten Princess Myrcella, sparking a conflict that sees Jaime dueling with the Sand Snakes.

Now, I don’t know about everyone else but this doesn’t bother me too much. I haven’t read the books so I don’t know what his story line is like so I won’t be too concerned but this sounds really nice and kind of cool. However, I know that some people will complain because some want Dave and Dan to stick to the books.

Another reason that Jaime’s story line could be diverting (and this is also stated in the article) is because the showrunners do not want Jaime to be close to Cersei during her ‘walk of shame’. Now, that is just a rumor but I could see that being a plausible reason. He loves his sister and if he knew this was happening, he would rush back to King’s Landing to save her…again, I haven’t read the books so I don’t know. However, with him being all the way in Dorne, how is he supposed to know what’s going on back in King’s Landing? See what I’m saying? I don’t know, I like it. I think it could be good. Leaves the audience in suspense, especially book readers because they will have no idea what’s coming and I love that…I’m tired of being spoiled haha

What do you guys think? Good idea? Bad?

screencrush article

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau had to pay to enter a set?

In Seville, Spain where filming for Dorne has started to talk place, a little controversy arose recently. In Seville, security has been tight due to preventing fans and onlookers to get pictures and videos of the filming (apparently they don’t want anyone to know anything) but it seems that security has been a little too tight.

According to GLV:

Coster-Waldau, who plays Jaime Lannister, tried to get access to the Alcazar Palar, whoever was on duty didn’t recognize him, and asked for his ticket before allowing him in. Rather than make a scene, he merely turned around, headed to the ticket office and paid 9.50 euros ($12.00) as his admission fee to the Palace. 

I find this really interesting. I mean, how can you not recognize Jaime Lannister? Haha. I mean, I’m really happy that a scene was not made or anything, and he was apparently very polite so that’s always nice for everyone involved. I guess him having to pay his way in was another way of saying, “A Lannister always pays his debts”. Right?

Article link here

Four Seasons of GoT summed up in a small animation

The Fall TV season just went underway this past week and, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready for season 5 of Game of Thrones but I guess I’ll have to bide my time with Supernatural, American Horror Story, and The Walking Dead until April…

Anywho, within the past few days, this lovely animation made its way online and it basically sums up the past four seasons. Yes, it may have missed a few scenes that are important but you definitely get the gist….also, there are SPOILERS in case you haven’t seen an episode or anything of that nature.

Enjoy! 🙂


Here is a link to the actual site

They spent how much money….?!

As you are well aware, I posted a few days ago addressing the details that Lena Headey had just finished filming the ‘walk of shame’ scene for season 5. In recent reports, however, it has been released as to how much money was spent in order to keep her completely clear of photographers.

Irish Independent explains:

It’s claimed series bosses spent $50,000 a day on the filming, with a lot of money to ensure there were no leaks. Apparently there were more than 200 security guards present over the four days, plus shop owners had to be paid so their stores could be closed during the sequence. 

Whoah! That’s insane….but understandable….

They go on to explain:

No one was allowed to bring a cell phone on set, in an effort to stop pictures leaking. 

Confidentiality agreements were also given to everyone involved, stating that anyone who leaked information about the scene could be the subject of a $250,000 legal action.

Holy heck Game of Thrones! I mean, I completely 100% understand the reasoning behind this. In my last post about this, it was confirmed that Lena Headey wasn’t even the one appearing nude but instead it would be a body double. It seems to me that they not only wanted to protect the scene itself for the whole ‘no spoilers’ aspect but it also seems that they wanted to protect Lena and the body double from unwanted attention. Almost a way for them to keep their modesty, I suppose. I like it. Makes sense.

In a way, this kind of reminds me of the celebrity nude photo leaks that happened a few weeks ago due to someone hacking the Cloud service. I know it’s not the same concept but it will make me wonder, ‘what if someone got a photo of Lena or the body double?’ Get what I’m saying? They didn’t give permission for their body to be exploited that way so it seems  Game of Thrones took care of it. Good for them!

It is said that season 5 is set to air in Spring of 2015 so mark your calendars! Also, here is a link to the full article if you would like to peruse it!

GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 30)

So we have reached the end of this 30 day challenge and now, I feel weird. This was a lot of fun, I will definitely have to do another one. What do you guys think? Anywho, on to day 30

Day 30: Favorite book/episode

I do not have a favorite book, I haven’t finished reading them…instead, I am just trekking slowly through them. However, I do have a favorite episode…or two.

My all-time favorite episode is season 2, episode 9 ‘Blackwater’. It is such a visually fantastically done episode and the King’s Landing story line is awesome. But, how about that wildfire? Oh, that is the coolest scene! I think that is the scene that made me love the episode so much…I definitely wasn’t expecting a massive explosion such as that but it was so well done that I often find myself just rewatching that episode.

But, with the recent season coming to an end, I have another favorite…not my all-time but it is definitely my second favorite: season 4, episode 2 ‘The Lion and the Rose’. Now, I know what you’re probably thinking…..how could I like that episode when my favorite character dies? Good question….the episode saddens me greatly but I think the actor did PHENOMENAL! He really let his final performance on the show be one of the best. Joffrey was just so…….well, Joffrey in that episode but I loved it….okay, I didn’t approve but it was just amazing….I also seem to find myself watching that episode every now and again…I guess I like to torture myself with character death haha


Gosh, I remember when this promo aired on tv…I freaked! Good times….good times….

Anywho, that wraps up this 30 day challenge. I’ll start the next one within a few days…if you want to check it out, you can look at it here

[30 Day Challenge]


The Return to Pentos

As most remember from Season 1, Pentos is where we first met Daenerys and Viserys Targaryen. It seems that for Season 5, the show will make a return to Pentos and reintroduce Illyrio Mopatis. If you don’t remember, Illyrio was the one that was informing Viserys that when the time comes, the Khal will keep his promise and take him back to Westeros (we all remember how that turned out). Here is a photo to refresh your memory even more:



WiCNet explains:

Game of Thrones has done a good job of making sure Essos and the Free Cities across the Narrow Sea stay fresh in the viewer’s mind, but lately that focus, has been in Braavos. But as more characters make the crossing away from Westeros, the map of Essos will start to become as wide as its western counterpart.

It also turns out that Pentos was originally filmed in Morocco and reshot in Malta but for this upcoming season, Pentos is being filmed in Dubrovnik which is where majority of the King’s Landing scenes are shot.



This is a aerial view of the hotel that will stand in for Illyrio’s home in the new season. Beautiful, isn’t it? I’m really interested to know how Pentos is going to be brought back into the show. What about everyone else?

Anywho, here is a link to the article where you can check out more information and speculations on the filming! Enjoy!


GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 29)

Only one more day! I’ll post the final one tomorrow and then it’s off to find another challenge! Woooo!

Day 29: Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones

I would say Game of Thrones. I mean, I love Lord of the Rings, I really do. It has such a great story and the cast is amazing BUT, I feel like I connect more with the characters in Game of Thrones. It is also my current addiction so it makes sense 🙂

Anyone find Lord of the Rings more appealing? I’m curious 😛

[30 Day Challenge]

GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 28)

Day 28: Give some advice to one of the characters

When I did this on tumblr, Joffrey was still alive so I mainly focused on him. I would advise him to calm down! Or you keep saying “I am the King” but I don’t think it means what you think it meansI also spent a lot time watching the show thinking you are really scary sometimes. Stop? 

But, alas, he is no longer with us so I’ll focus on my dear Sansa. I would advise her to be strong and confident. I would also tell her even though not everyone can be trusted, there is always someone. 

I’m sorry but did you catch her final scene in season 4? Shall we go? Oh, so badass! Can’t wait till season 5!

What advice would you give to a character or even your favorite?

[30 Day Challenge]

GoT 30 Day Challenge (Day 27)

Day 27: Top 5 favorite characters

Oooooohhhhhh….love this question! Let’s do it!

1) Joffrey Baratheon

2) Sansa Stark

3) Tyrion Lannister

and then this is where it gets complicated….who else would I consider a “favorite”?

4) Jaime Lannister

5) Ramsay Bolton – He’s legit now! haha.

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking…it started off bad and then ended bad…how nice of me. I’ll explain, my top 3 are a given. I’ve said over and over how much I love these three so it should come as no surprise…as for the last two, here we go. I like the new Jaime, the one that I can understand because, let’s face it, I hated him in the first season after he shoved Bran from the window in Winterfell…I mean, who does that?! But, I feel after he met Brienne, things have changed and I love it…I also love their relationship. I’d ship it 😛 Now, as for Ramsay…this is where I really have to explain…I’m not sympathetic of him, I’m really not. He gets what he deserves but I am fascinated with his story line. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I’m not a fan of Theon…who knows but the actor who plays Ramsay is phenomenal so blame him haha 🙂

I guess I just have a strong like for villains…I don’t know how else to explain it

[30 Day Challenge]